
*※イベントの名前※ [#n7b97a95]
*※イベントの名前※ [#e17ee9d4]
**概要 [#xcd976f7]
***※煽り文句※ [#g768d747]
**概要 [#f28b78eb]
***※煽り文句※ [#d99688db]


***実施日時 : ※期間※ [#ta2791a9]
***実施日時 : ※期間※ [#ifd78219]

***参加資格 : [#y441fa98]
***参加資格 : [#t0e64222]

***イベント手順 [#c7bc3ca7]
***イベント手順 [#z9a61eb2]

**攻略 [#j1b3dbaa]
**攻略 [#l7f30b69]

**情報など [#q2df7b80]
**情報など [#x2d52acd]

iheartny: is tt in mandarin?? 'noh mi' is glutinous rice but  what does chi fa bun mean, do u kn?sodaomingwi: oops, in my recipe book, the 3 items are grouped as 'A' but i couldn't/forgot to group them.trishie: thanx dear, i saw. *hugs* :))
POSTED September 11, 2005 at 3:55 pmit does look tasty, i went to the apple shop in bluewater today to have a look at it… ok i have been in that shop every day the past 7 days and have had ample time to play with it and its awnsemoeess :D

LOVE THESE SHO!STLooks like lots of fun (and pretty interesting too)!I don’t know what the Chinese characters means either.I don’t know if it’s because I suck , or because they don’t make sense![]